Discount Pricing Policy

Thorlabs believes that a transparent policy is the best way to serve all customers equally. Hence we publish our prices and our discount offers online. For large orders and new labs, Thorlabs offers the additional discounts detailed below. By publishing our discounts, we aim to simplify the process of determining whether Thorlabs provides the best value for your purchase.
Discount Ladder Based
on Order Size
on Order Size
The discounts below will be automatically applied to single orders with standard catalog items only, placed directly through Thorlabs that meet the specified thresholds. Individual items priced over $4,000 are not discounted, although their value will contribute to determining the overall size of this order.*
United States
Order Size | Discount |
$5,000 | 2% |
$10,000 | 3% |
$25,000 | 4% |
$75,000 | 5% |
*Individual items with list price exceeding $4,000 are not discounted.
Total amount of order is product specific and does not include freight, customs charges, or any applicable local taxes.
Purchasing a
Large Volume
of an Item
Large Volume
of an Item
For orders where a large
quantity of an item is purchased
and the delivery of that item is scheduled with our production (i.e., not taken directly from inventory), Thorlabs passes on to the customer the cost savings associated with planned production of high volumes of that item. Since the volume and planned production are key to realizing the cost savings, we ask that you contact Thorlabs to obtain volume pricing.
High volume purchases are coordinated by our OEM team, which is here to harness our extensive footprint of capabilities to fulfill highly specialized requests! We'd invite you to learn more about our in-house manufacturing capabilities to see how they may be able to fulfill your needs and reduce your time to market.
quantity of an item is purchased
and the delivery of that item is scheduled with our production (i.e., not taken directly from inventory), Thorlabs passes on to the customer the cost savings associated with planned production of high volumes of that item. Since the volume and planned production are key to realizing the cost savings, we ask that you contact Thorlabs to obtain volume pricing.
High volume purchases are coordinated by our OEM team, which is here to harness our extensive footprint of capabilities to fulfill highly specialized requests! We'd invite you to learn more about our in-house manufacturing capabilities to see how they may be able to fulfill your needs and reduce your time to market.

New Lab Investment
Over the years, Thorlabs has had the privilege to be involved in many research efforts at Universities and Research Institutes throughout the world. We know that starting a new lab is a challenging undertaking.
As a way to give back to the scientific community that we are all a part of, Thorlabs has a new lab investment program that provides a 10% discount for the first 12 months of setting up a new lab.
To apply for the new lab investment program, please use this form and submit it.
Applications must be submitted by the principal investigator at an accredited college, university, or institution.
Qualified labs will be working on projects that will produce peer-reviewed scientific research or that have a significant educational component.
Multiple discounts (e.g., New Lab and Large Order) cannot be combined when placing a single order.