Fluorescence Imaging Filters

  • Excitation, Emission, and Dichroic Filters for Imaging Applications
  • Matched Filter Sets Designed for Wavelength Ranges of Common Fluorophores


Dichroic Mirror


Filter Set



Emission Filter

Arrow Indicates
Direction of Light

Etched Corner Indicates Dichroic-Coated Side

Exploded View of a Filter Set Installed Into a Filter Cube

Inside Cube



Image Plane



Related Items

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Emission Filter

Excitation and emission filters are marked with an arrow that shows the recommended direction of light propagation.

Dichroic Filter Engraved
Dichroic Filter Carat

Dichroic filters have an engraving on or a caret pointing to the primary reflective surface. Light should be incident on this side for best performance.


  • Excitation, Emission, and Dichroic Filters for Fluorescence Imaging
  • >90% Transmission over Desired Wavelength Band
  • Sharp Cutoff (Up to T < 0.001%) Outside the Transmission Band
  • Matched Filter Sets Designed to Target Many Common Fluorophores
    (See Fluorophores Tab for Alternate Fluorophore Compatibility)
    - BFP
    - CFP
    - WGFP
    - GFP
    - FITC
    -Alexa Fluor®∗ 488
    - YFP
    - tdTomato
    - TRITC
    - Texas Red®*
    - mCherry
    - Cy®†3.5
    - Cy5
    - Cy5.5
    - Cy7
    - LI-COR IRDye®‡ 800CW

  • Excitation and Emission Filters are Mounted in Black-Anodized Housings
  • Dichroic Filters are Unmounted
  • Filter Sets are Available at a Savings Over Individual Filter Prices

These excitation, emission, and dichroic filters are designed specifically for use in fluorescence imaging applications. They are fabricated at industry-standard dimensions that make them compatible with filter cubes from all major manufacturers. We offer filters designed to target the following common fluorophores: BFP, CFP, WGFP, GFP, FITC, Alexa Fluor 488, YFP, tdTomato, TRITC, Texas Red, mCherry, Cy3.5, Cy5, Cy5.5, Cy7, and LI-COR IRDye 800CW. In addition, the Fluorophores tab provides information on the alternative fluorophores suitable for these filters. While many of the filters are offered individually, some are only offered in a three-piece set containing the excitation, emission, and dichroic filters; see the Specs tab for details. A selection of these filters are also available pre-installed into our microscope filter cubes.

Filter Design
Our filters are manufactured to high-performance optical specifications and designed for durability. They are produced via multiple dielectric layers deposited on a high-precision, fused silica substrate. The substrate is ground and polished to ensure that the highest possible image quality is maintained. The resulting hard-coated optics consist of filter layers that are denser than those obtained from electron beam deposition techniques, and which reduce water absorption while greatly enhancing durability, stability, and performance of the filter. Each filter layer is monitored during growth to ensure minimal deviation from design specification thickness, ensuring overall high-quality filter performance.

Each excitation or emission filter is housed in a Ø25 mm black anodized aluminum ring which makes handling easier and enhances the blocking OD by limiting scattering. These filters can be mounted in our extensive line of filter mounts and wheels. As the aluminum rings are not threaded, Ø1" retaining rings will be required to mount the Ø25 mm filters in one of our internally-threaded SM1 lens tubes. For customers who wish to use these filters in Thorlabs, Olympus, or Nikon fluorescence microscopes, Thorlabs manufactures a family of Drop-In Microscope Filter Cubes. Thorlabs also manufactures a family of 30 mm Cage Cubes to integrate these filters into a 30 mm cage system. Additionally, the unmounted dichroic filters can be mounted in the KM2536 kinematic mount, which is designed to secure a 1 mm thick rectangular optic with minimal stress.

Alexa Fluor and Texas Red are registered trademark of Molecular Probes, Inc.
Cy is a registered trademark of Global Life Sciences Solutions Germany GmbH
IRDye is a registered trademark of LI-COR Biotech, LLC 

Item # Size Clear Aperture Angle of Incidence Thickness Surface Quality Substrate
Excitation Filters
MDF-GFP2, MDF-TOM, MDF-MCHC, & MDF-MCHA Kits Ø25 +0.0/-0.1 mm >Ø21 mm 0° ± 5 5.0 ± 0.1 mm 60-40
Fused Silica
MDF-CY5, MDF-CY55, MDF-CY7, & MDF-NIR Kits Ø25.0 ± 0.1 mm ≥Ø22 mm Alkaline Earth
All Other Excitation Filters Ø25 ± 0.1 mm >Ø21 mm Fused Silica
Emission Filters
MDF-GFP2, MDF-TOM, MDF-MCHC, & MDF-MCHA Kits Ø25 +0.0/-0.1 mm >Ø22 mm 0° ± 5° 3.5 ± 0.1 mm 60-40
Fused Silica
MDF-CY5, MDF-CY55, MDF-CY7, & MDF-NIR Kits Ø25.0 ± 0.1 mm ≥Ø22 mm
All Other Excitation Filters Ø25 ± 0.1 mm >Ø21 mm
Dichroic Filters
MDF-GFP2, MDF-TOM, MDF-MCHC, & MDF-MCHA Kits 25.2 mm x 35.6 mm 80% of Area 45° ± 1.5° 1.05 ± 0.05 mm 60-40
Fused Silica
MDF-CY5, MDF-CY55, MDF-CY7, & MDF-NIR Kits 25.0 mm x 35.8 mm ≥22 mm x 33 mm (Elliptical) 1.0 ± 0.1 mm
All Other Excitation Filters 25.0 mm x 36.0 mm >(22.5 mm x 32.4 mm)
Item # Kit
Item #
Fluorophore Filter
FWHM Reflection
AR Coatinga Transmission
MF390-18 MDF-BFP BFP Excitation 390 nm 18 nm - - - info
MF460-60 Emission 460 nm 60 nm - - - info
MD416 Dichroic - - Ravg > 90%
360 - 407 nm
Tabs > 90%
425 - 575 nm
Rabs < 2%
from 400 to 800 nm
MF434-17 MDF-CFP CFP Excitation 434 nm 17 nm - - - info
MF479-40 Emission 479 nm 40 nm - - - info
MD453 Dichroic - - Ravg > 90%
423 - 445 nm
Tabs > 90%
460 - 610 nm
Rabs < 2%
from 400 to 800 nm
MF445-45 MDF-WGFP WGFP Excitation 445 nm 45 nm - - - info
MF510-42 Emission 510 nm 42 nm - - - info
MD480 Dichroic - - Ravg > 90%
415 - 470 nm
Tabs > 90%
490 - 720 nm
Rabs < 2%
from 400 - 800 nm
MF469-35 MDF-GFP GFP Excitation 469 nm 35 nm - - - info
MF525-39 Emission 525 nm 39 nm - - - info
MD498 Dichroic - - Ravg > 90%
452 - 490 nm
Tabs > 90%
505 - 800 nm
Rabs < 2%
from 400 to 800 nm
MF475-35 MDF-FITC FITC Excitation 475 nm 35 nm - - - info
MF530-43 Emission 530 nm 43 nm - - - info
MD499 Dichroic - - Ravg > 90%
470 - 490 nm
Tabs > 90%
508 - 675 nm
Rabs < 2%
from 400 to 800 nm
Alexa Fluor® 488
Excitation 482 nm 18 nm - - - info
- Emission 520 nm 28 nm - - -
- Dichroic - - Ravg > 93%
350 - 488 nm
Tavg > 93%
502 - 950 nm
MF497-16 MDF-YFP YFP Excitation 497 nm 16 nm - - - info
MF535-22 Emission 535 nm 22 nm - - - info
MD515 Dichroic - - Ravg > 90%
490 - 510 nm
Tabs > 90%
525 - 700 nm
- info
- MDF-TOM tdTomato Excitation 531 nm 40 nm - - - info
- Emission 593 nm 40 nm - - -
- Dichroic - - Ravg > 98%
350 - 555 nm
Tavg > 93%
569 - 950 nm
MF542-20 MDF-TRITC TRITC Excitation 542 nm 20 nm - - - info
MF620-52c Emission 620 nm 52 nm - - - info
MD568 Dichroic - - Ravg > 90%
525 - 556 nm
Tabs > 90%
580 - 650 nm
Rabs < 2%
from 400 to 800 nm
MF559-34 MDF-TXRED Texas Red® Excitation 559 nm 34 nm - - - info
MF630-69 Emission 630 nm 69 nm - - - info
MD588d Dichroic - - Ravg > 90%
533 - 580 nm
Tabs > 90%
595 - 800 nm
Rabs < 2%
from 400 to 800 nm
- MDF-MCHC mCherry Excitation 562 nm 40 nm - - - info
- Emission 641 nm 75 nm - - -
- Dichroic - - Ravg > 98%
350 - 585 nm
Tavg > 93%
601 - 950 nm
MF565-24 MDF-CY3.5 Cy®3.5 Excitation 565 nm 24 nm - - - info
MF620-52c Emission 620 nm 52 nm - - - info
MD588d Dichroic - - Ravg > 90%
533 - 580 nm
Tabs > 90%
595 - 800 nm
Rabs < 2%
from 400 to 800 nm
- MDF-MCHA mCherry Excitation 578 nm 21 nm - - - info
- Emission 641 nm 75 nm - - -
- Dichroic - - Ravg > 98%
350 - 588 nm
Tavg > 93%
603 - 950 nm
- MDF-CY5 Cy5 Excitation 619 nm 60 nm - - - info
- Emission 700 nm 71 nm - - -
- Dichroic - - Ravg ≥ 98%
500 - 648 nm
Tavg ≥ 95%
666 - 890 nm
- MDF-CY55 Cy5.5 Excitation 650 nm 44 nm - - - info
- Emission 720 nm 59.5 nm - - -
- Dichroic - - Ravg > 98%
520 - 674 nm
Tavg ≥ 95%
692 - 1000 nm
- MDF-CY7 Cy7 Excitation 709 nm 75.5 nm - - - info
- Emission 813 nm 96 nm - - -
- Dichroic - - Ravg > 98%
570 - 746 nm
Tavg ≥ 95%
766 - 1100 nm
- MDF-NIR LI-COR IRDye® 800CW Excitation 741 nm 41 nm - - - info
- Emission N/Ae - - - -
- Dichroic - - Ravg > 98%
580 - 760 nm
Tavg ≥ 95%
780 - 1100 nm
  • Select dichroics have an AR coating designed for 45° AOI on the back surface. 
  • Click on Emission Filter for a plot and downloadable data.
  • Designed to work with both TRITC and CY3.5.
  • Designed to work with both CY3.5 and TXRED.
  • This emission filter has a cut on wavelength of 780 nm with average transmission ≥94% for 790 - 1000 nm
    Click to Enlarge
    Schematic of light passing through a fluorescence microscope.

    Excitation filter, Emission filter, and dichroic mirror transmission plots
    Click to Enlarge

    MDF-YFP filter set transmission graph. Note the dichroic mirror (green) reflects light in the excitation wavelength range (blue), and transmits light in the emission wavelength range (green).

    Filters for Fluorescence Microscopy

    A fluorophore is a molecule or portion of a molecule that is capable of producing fluorescence. When light of the appropriate frequency necessary to excite a molecule from its ground state to an excited state is present, excitation will occur. However, once in an excited state, the molecule will be unstable. After some short period of time (typically 10-15 to 10-9 s), a photon will be released, thereby enabling the molecule to return to a lower energy state. The emitted radiation will be at a longer wavelength (lower energy) than the absorbed radiation due to the loss of energy through various mechanisms such as vibrations, sound, and thermal energy. 

    A single fluorophore can be continually excited unless it is destroyed by photobleaching (i.e. the nonreversible destruction of a fluorophore due to photon-induced chemical damage or covalent modification). The average number of excitation and emission cycles that a particular fluorophore can undergo prior to photobleaching depends on its molecular structure and the local environment; some fluorophores bleach quickly after emitting only a few photons while others are far more robust and can undergo thousands or even millions of cycles before bleaching occurs.

    Filters for Fluorescence Microscopy
    The experimental setup to the right shows the typical filters used for epi-fluorescence microscopy, a form of microscopy in which both the excitation and emission light travel through the microscope objective. By carefully choosing the appropriate filters and mirrors for a given application, the signal-to-noise ratio can be maximized. As shown in the schematic to the right, three types of filters are used to maximize the fluorescence signal while minimizing the unwanted radiation. Each optical element is discussed below.

    Excitation Filter
    The excitation filter only allows a narrow band of wavelengths to pass through it, around the peak fluorophore excitation wavelength. For example, as shown in the graph to the right, the bandpass region corresponding to greater than 90% transmission for the Yellow Fluorescent Protein (YFP) Excitation Filter (MF497-16) is 489 - 505 nm; incident radiation outside of this range is either partially (for regions near the transmission region) or totally (for regions further from the bandpass region) blocked by the filter.

    Dichroic Mirror
    Dichroic mirrors are designed to reflect light whose wavelength is below a specific value (i.e. the cutoff wavelength) while permitting all other wavelengths to pass through it unaltered. In a microscope, the dichroic mirror directs the proper wavelength range to the sample as well as to the image plane. The cutoff wavelength value associated with each mirror indicates the wavelength that corresponds to 50% transmission. For example, as shown in the graph to the right, the cutoff wavelength for the Yellow Fluorescent Protein (YFP) Dichroic Mirror (MD515) is ~515 nm. The Specs tab provides information on the reflectance and transmission for each type of dichroic mirror.

    By placing one of these mirrors into the experimental setup at 45° with respect to the incident radiation, the excitation radiation (shown in blue in the above right schematic) is reflected off of the surface of the dichroic mirror and directed towards the sample and microscope objective, while the fluorescence emanating from the sample (shown in red in the above right schematic) passes through the mirror to the detection system.

    Although dichroic mirrors play a crucial role in fluorescence microscopy, they are not perfect when it comes to blocking unwanted light; typically, ~90% of the light at wavelengths below the cutoff wavelength value are reflected and ~90% of the light at wavelengths above this value are transmitted by the dichroic mirror. Hence, some of the excitation light can be transmitted through the dichroic mirror along with the longer wavelength fluorescence emitted by the sample. To prevent this unwanted light from reaching the detection system, an emission filter is used in addition to the dichroic mirror.

    Emission Filter
    An emission filter serves the purpose of allowing the desirable fluorescence from the sample to reach the detector while blocking unwanted traces of excitation light. Like the excitation filter, this filter only allows a narrow band of wavelengths to pass through it, around the peak fluorophore emission wavelength. For example, as shown in the graph to the right, the bandpass region corresponding to greater than 90% transmission for the Yellow Fluorescent Protein (YFP) Emission Filter (MF535-22) is 524 - 546 nm; incident radiation outside of this range is either partially (for regions near the transmission region) or totally (for regions further from the bandpass region) blocked by the filter.

    Acceptable - Actual performance depends on individual experimental conditions.
    Compatible - Ideal, or nearly ideal, performance under most experimental conditions.
    Optimized - Optimal performance under all experimental conditions.

    a. Absorption and emission spectra are unavailable if any is red.

    The table below displays all of the fluorophores that are compatible with our filter sets. The filter set item numbers are listed across the top row and the fluorophores are listed down the first column. Scroll through the table to view fluorophore compatibility with our filter sets.

    Click on the  below to view the filter set transmission with the absorption and emission spectra of the fluorophore. The key to the right details the meaning of all check marks in the table below. Please note that absorption and emission spectra are unavailable if any is red.

    Filter Set Item # Suffix
    (Peak Excitation λ, Peak Emission λ)
    (372 nm, 477 nm)
    (582 nm, 595 nm)
    (500 nm, 525 nm)
    5-carboxynapthofluorescein (pH 10)
    (555 nm, 615 nm)
    5-FAM (5-carboxyfluorescein)
    (492 nm, 518 nm)
    5-ROX (carboxy-X-rhodamine)
    (578 nm, 604 nm)
    5-TAMRA (5-carboxytetra
    methylrhodamine, pH 7.0)
    (542 nm, 568 nm)
    6-carboxyrhodamine 6G
    (525 nm, 555 nm)
    (520 nm, 548 nm)
    (548 nm, 648 nm)
    Acridine Orange
    (502 nm, 526 nm)
    Acridine Yellow
    (470 nm , 550 nm)
    Alexa Fluor®a 350
    (343 nm, 441 nm)
    Alexa Fluor® 405
    (401 nm, 422 nm)
    Alexa Fluor® 430
    (431 nm , 541 nm)
    Alexa Fluor® 488
    (499 nm, 520 nm)
    Alexa Fluor® 500
    (503 nm, 525 nm)
    Alexa Fluor® 514
    (518 nm, 543 nm)
    Alexa Fluor® 546
    (556 nm, 572 nm)
    Alexa Fluor® 555
    (553 nm, 568 nm)
    Alexa Fluor® 568
    (579 nm, 603 nm)
    Alexa Fluor® 594
    (590 nm, 618 nm)
    Alexa Fluor® 647
    (650 nm, 671 nm)
    Alexa Fluor® 680
    (680 nm, 702 nm)
    Alexa Fluor® 700
    (696 nm, 719 nm)
    Alexa Fluor® 750
    (752 nm, 779 nm)
    Alexa Fluor® 790
    (782 nm, 805 nm)
    Allophycocyanin (APC)
    (651 nm, 660 nm)
    AMCA (Aminomethylcoumarin)
    (350 nm, 488 nm)
    (458 nm, 489 nm)
    Amplex UltraRed peroxidation product
    -pH 7.5
    (568 nm, 581 nm)
    Aqua 431
    (430 nm,478 nm)
    AsRed 2
    (576 nm, 592 nm)
    ATTO 390
    (392 nm, 477 nm)
    ATTO 425
    (436 nm, 484 nm)
    ATTO 465
    (453 nm, 507 nm)
    ATTO 488
    (500 nm, 525 nm)
    ATTO 495
    (495 nm, 527 nm)
    ATTO 520
    (516 nm, 538 nm)
    ATTO 550
    (553 nm, 576 nm)
    ATTO 565
    (563 nm, 592 nm)
    ATTO 590
    (594 nm, 624 nm)
    ATTO 594
    (601 nm, 624 nm)
    ATTO 647N
    (644 nm, 669 nm)
    ATTO 680
    (680 nm, 700 nm)
    BCECF (pH 5.5)
    (481 nm, 518 nm)
    BCECF (pH 9.0)
    (502 nm, 528 nm)
    BD Horizon V450
    (406 nm, 449 nm)
    BD Horizon V500
    (410 nm, 500 nm)
    BFP (EBFP)
    (380 nm, 440 nm)
    (461 nm, 484 nm)
    (570 nm, 605 nm)
    (505 nm, 512 nm)
    (502 nm, 511 nm)
    (528 nm, 547 nm)
    BODIPY TR-X phallacidin
    (590 nm, 621 nm)
    (494 nm, 514 nm)
    Calcium Crimson
    (589 nm, 609 nm)
    Calcium Green-1
    (507 nm, 529 nm)
    Calcium Orange
    (589 nm, 609 nm)
    (599 nm, 674 nm)
    Cascade Blue™
    (401 nm, 419 nm)
    CellTrace BODIPY TR methyl ester
    (598 nm, 625 nm)
    CellTrace calcein violet
    (400 nm, 452 nm)
    CellTracker Red CMTPX
    (586 nm, 614 nm)
    CellTracker Violet BMQC+GSH
    (406 nm, 526 nm)
    (434 nm, 473 nm)
    CFP (ECFP)
    (433 nm, 475 nm)
    (490 nm, 510 nm)
    (492 nm, 507 nm)


    (552 nm, 570 nm)
    (578 nm, 591 nm)
    (651 nm, 670 nm)
    (678 nm, 695 nm)
    756 nm, 779 nm)
    (502 nm, 523 nm)
    (495 nm, 519 nm)
    (359 nm, 461 nm)
    (648 nm, 657 nm)
    (432 nm, 472 nm)
    Dendra2 (Green)
    (491 nm, 507 nm)
    (457 nm, 586 nm)
    (457 nm, 586 nm)
    (644 nm, 665 nm)
    (551 nm, 569 nm)
    (475 nm, 500 nm)
    (748 nm , 780 nm)
    (647 nm, 683 nm)
    (502 nm, 516 nm)
    (559 nm, 583 nm)
    (556 nm, 584 nm)
    (586 nm, 582 nm)
    (418 nm, 470 nm)
    (503 nm, 530 nm)
    (582 nm, 599 nm)
    DyLight®d 405
    (398 nm, 420 nm)
    DyLight® 488
    (492 nm, 517 nm)
    DyLight® 549
    (554 nm, 569 nm)
    DyLight® 594
    (593 nm, 618 nm)
    DyLight® 649
    (652 nm, 667 nm)
    DyLight® 680
    (677 nm, 705 nm)
    DyLight® 750
    (751 nm, 772 nm)
    Dylight® 800
    (770 nm, 795 nm)
    (435 nm, 475 nm)
    ecliptic pHluorin pH 5.5
    (473 nm, 507 nm)
    (491 nm, 511 nm)
    (525 nm, 546 nm)
    ER-Tracker™ Blue-White DPX
    (372 nm, 557 nm)
    Ethidium bromide
    (518 nm, 603 nm)
    Ethidium homodimer
    (527 nm, 617 nm)
    (449 nm, 496 nm)
    FITC (Fluorescein)
    (495 nm, 519 nm)
    (511 nm, 530 nm)
    (506 nm, 527 nm)
    (494 nm, 516 nm)
    Fluorescein dextran
    (501 nm, 524 nm)
    Fluorescein-pH 8.0
    (489 nm, 517 nm)
    (494 nm, 518 nm)
    FluoSpheres®a Crimson fluorescent
    (620 nm, 646 nm)
    FluoSpheres® Red fluorescent
    656 nm, 683 nm)
    FluoSpheres® Yellow-Green
    fluorescent microspheres
    (503 nm, 514 nm)
    FM 1-43
    (473 nm, 579 nm)
    GFP (EGFP)
    (489 nm, 511 nm)
    Green 496
    (496 nm, 520 nm)
    Green 500
    (501 nm, 524 nm)
    (588 nm, 618 nm)
    HCS LipidTOX Green neutral lipid stain
    (498 nm, 507 nm)
    HCS LipidTOX Green phospholipidosis
    (504 nm, 536 nm)
    HCS LipidTOX Red neutral lipid stain
    (582 nm, 616 nm)
    HCS LipidTOX Red phospholipidosis
    (584 nm, 608 nm)
    HiLyte Fluor™ 405
    (403 nm, 428 nm)
    HiLyte Fluor™ 488
    (497 nm, 526 nm)
    HiLyte Fluor™ 594
    (592 nm, 616 nm)
    Hoechst 33258
    (532 nm, 455 nm)
    Hoechst 33342
    (352 nm, 455 nm)
    Hoechst 34580
    (392 nm, 440 nm)
    (600 nm, 603 nm)
    (575 nm, 599 nm)
    LI-COR IRDye®e 680LT
    (674 nm, 693 nm)
    LI-COR IRDye® 800CW
    (775 nm, 792 nm)
    LIVE-DEAD Fixable Green Dead Cell Stain
    (498 nm, 525 nm)
    LIVE-DEAD Fixable Red Dead Cell Stain
    (595 nm, 613 nm)
    Live-Dead Fixable Violet Dead Cell Stain
    (403 nm, 455 nm)
    (568 nm, 580 nm)
    Lucifer yellow
    (428 nm, 544 nm)
    LysoSensor Blue
    (374 nm, 424 nm)
    LysoSensor Green
    (448 nm, 502 nm)
    LysoTracker Green
    (501 nm, 509 nm)
    LysoTracker Red
    (573 nm, 592 nm)
    LysoTracker Yellow HCK-123
    (488 nm, 565 nm)
    Magnesium Green
    (507 nm, 531 nm)
    Magnesium Orange
    (587 nm, 610 nm)
    (566 nm, 594 nm)
    Marina Blue
    (363 nm, 461 nm)
    (394 nm, 490 nm)
    (587 nm, 610 nm)
    Mecrocyanine 540
    (559 nm, 579 nm)
    (478 nm, 562 nm)
    MitoTracker®a Deep Red 633/MeOH
    (631 nm, 660 nm)
    MitoTracker® Green
    (490 nm, 512 nm)
    MitoTracker® Orange
    (551 nm, 575 nm)
    MitoTracker® Red
    (578 nm, 598 nm)
    (588 nm, 633 nm)
    (589 nm,649 nm)
    (555 nm, 583 nm)
    (584 nm, 700 nm)
    (558 nm, 605 nm)
    (574 nm, 596 nm)
    (568 nm, 585 nm)
    (462 nm, 492 nm)
    (493 nm, 509 nm)
    NBD-X (MeOH)
    (467 nm, 538 nm)
    NeuroTrace 500/525 Green Fluorescence
    Nissl Stain
    (495 nm, 524 nm)
    Nile Blue
    (631 nm, 660 nm)
    Nile red-phospholipid
    (553 nm, 637 nm)
    Nile red-triglyceride
    (510 nm, 583 nm)
    (547 nm, 567 nm)
    Orange 552
    (552 nm, 574 nm)
    Oregon Green™ 488
    (488 nm, 526 nm)
    Oregon Green™ 514
    (513 nm, 532 nm)
    Pacific Blue™
    (404 nm, 455 nm)
    (490 nm, 677 nm)
    pHrodo™, succinimidyl ester
    (560 nm, 587 nm)
    (502 nm, 522 nm)
    (488 nm, 500 nm)
    (433 nm, 457 nm)
    (433 nm, 456 nm)
    Propidium Iodide (PI)
    (305 nm, 617 nm)
    Pro-Q Diamond
    (556 nm, 583 nm)
    Qdot® 525 Nanocrystals
    (300 nm, 525 nm)
    Qdot® 545 Nanocrystals
    (300 nm, 543 nm)
    Qdot® 585 Nanocrystals
    (300 nm, 588 nm)
    Qdot® 605 Nanocrystals
    (300 nm, 602 nm)
    Qdot® 625 Nanocrystals
    (300 nm, 621 nm)
    Qdot® 655 Nanocrystals
    (300 nm, 654 nm)
    Quasar®f 670
    (647 nm, 670 nm)
    Quasar® 705
    (690 nm, 705 nm)
    ratiometric pHluorin pH5
    (500 nm, 509 nm)
    (592 nm, 606 nm)
    Red 580
    (580 nm, 603 nm)
    (571 nm, 584 nm)
    (553 nm, 577 nm)
    Rhodamine 110
    (497 nm, 519 nm)
    Rhodamine 123
    (507 nm, 529 nm)
    Rhodamine Green
    (497 nm, 523 nm)
    Rhodamine phalloidin
    (558 nm, 575 nm)
    Rhodamine Red-X
    (573 nm, 951 nm)
    Rhodol Green
    (497 nm, 524 nm)
    rsGFP (red shifted GFP, S65T)
    (498 nm, 516 nm)
    (387 nm, 451 nm)
    sgGFP™ (super glow GFP)
    (472 nm, 506 nm)
    (355 nm, 424 nm)
    SNARF (carboxy) 514 Excitation pH 9
    (576 nm, 638 nm)
    SNARF-1 488 nm (pH 6.0 )
    (548 nm, 586 nm)
    SNARF-1 488 nm (pH 9.0)
    (576 nm, 638 nm)
    SNARF-1 514 nm (pH 6.0 )
    (549 nm, 587 nm)
    SNARF-1 514 nm (pH 9.0)
    (576 nm, 638 nm)
    Sodium Green
    (507 nm, 532 nm)
    (434 nm, 481 nm)
    (405 nm, 449 nm)
    (497 nm, 538 nm)
    (554 nm, 587 nm)
    (587 nm, 615 nm)
    Sulforhodamine 101-EtOH
    (578 nm, 593 nm)
    SYBR Gold nucleic acid gel stain-DNA
    (469 nm, 539 nm)
    SYBR Green I nucleic acid gel
    (498 nm, 522 nm)
    SYBR Safe DNA gel stain-DNA
    (509 nm, 526 nm)
    SYTO®a 9
    (483 nm, 500 nm)
    SYTO® 11
    (506 nm, 525 nm)
    SYTO® 13
    (448 nm, 506 nm)
    SYTO® 16
    (489 nm, 520 nm)
    SYTO® 45
    (451 nm, 485 nm)
    SYTO® 60
    (652 nm, 678 nm)
    SYTO RNASelect green fluorescent cell stain
    (503 nm, 527 nm)
    SYTOX Blue
    (444 nm, 470 nm)
    SYTOX Green-DNA
    (504 nm, 524 nm)
    (402 nm, 457 nm)
    (458 nm, 480 nm)
    (556 nm, 584 nm)
    (556 nm, 582 nm)
    Tetramethylrhodamine dextran
    (554 nm, 582 nm)
    Texas Red®a
    (592 nm, 614 nm)
    Texas Red dextran
    (592 nm, 613 nm)
    Texas Red DHPE
    (584 nm, 608 nm)
    Texas Red-X
    (595 nm, 615 nm)
    ThiolTracker Violet GSH
    (404 nm, 526 nm)
    (515 nm, 531 nm)
    (642 nm, 661 nm)
    (514 nm, 531 nm)
    TRITC (Tertamethylrhodamine)
    (552 nm, 578 nm)
    TRITC (Tertamethylrhodamine)
    - "reddish"
    (552 nm, 578 nm)
    TurboFP635 (Katushka)
    (591 nm, 638 nm)
    (482 nm, 503 nm)
    (553 nm, 573 nm)
    (525 nm, 538 nm)
    (516 nm, 528 nm)
    Vybrant DyeCycle Green
    (506 nm, 534 nm)
    Vybrant DyeCycle Orange
    (519 nm, 563 nm)
    Vybrant DyeCycle Violet
    (369 nm, 437 nm)
    wtGFP (wild type GFP, non-UV excitation)
    (474 nm, 509 nm)
    ✓✓✓✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
    X-Rhod-1 Indicator
    (580 nm, 601 nm)
    ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓
    YFP (yellow GFP)
    (513 nm, 530 nm)
    (491 nm, 506 nm)
    (491 nm, 508 nm)
    (611 nm, 631 nm)
    • Alexa Fluor, FluoSpheres, MitoTracker, SYTO, Texas Red, and TO-PRO are registered trademarks of Molecular Probes, Inc.
    • Cy is a registered trademark of Global Life Sciences Solutions Germany GmbH.
    • Draq5 is a registered trademark of Biostatus Limited.
    • DyLight is a registered trademark of Pierce Biotechnology, Inc.
    • IRDye is a registered trademark of LI-COR Biotech, LLC.
    • Quasar is a registered trademark of Biosearch Technologies, Inc.

    Posted Comments:
    Yuan Gong  (posted 2023-12-28 12:08:46.28)
    Hi, May I ask about the absorption of the filters, like MF525-39? I would like to buy a pair of this product, and I care about its reflection in the stop band. Can I roughly calculate the reflection at a specific wavelength by R=1-T? Many thanks! Have a nice one! Yuan
    jpolaris  (posted 2024-01-16 04:30:35.0)
    Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. In general, R = 1-T is not a reliable estimate for reflectance in the stop band because it ignores the effects of absorption and interference which could be part of the blocking mechanism. I have reached out to directly with reflectance data.
    Priyanka Jangra  (posted 2023-09-13 22:19:46.323)
    We want to know about the product FMF003 availability and price
    jdelia  (posted 2023-09-13 01:33:48.0)
    Thank you for reaching out. FMF003 was obsoleted and replaced by MF535-22. You can find pricing and availability information for this product directly on the product family page.
    Kevin Cappa  (posted 2020-03-04 17:50:33.503)
    If I had the option to get a 2"/50mm filter set for FITC fluorescent imaging I would...
    nbayconich  (posted 2020-03-05 01:03:35.0)
    Thank you for your feedback, I will log your request in our internal engineering forum for future reference. We can provide custom sized filters upon request, I will reach out to you directly to discuss our custom capabilities.
    tcohen  (posted 2012-09-13 11:44:00.0)
    Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Thank you for your interest in our custom capabilities. We should be able to provide this as a special and I have contacted you to go over your requirements.
    densta  (posted 2012-09-13 12:33:11.0)
    Dear Madam/Sir I want to perform some preliminary fluorescence tests for a project of ours. I am interested in buying one of the following emission filters MF525-39: GFP MF530-43: FITC I noticed from your records that the outer diameter of the filter is 25 mm. In our system we need a filter with outer diameter 17 mm. The filter could be bare glass without an outer support ring. Is it possible to have one of the above mentioned filters in this form? What would be the cost? Best regards, Dimosthenis Stamopoulos
    bdada  (posted 2012-02-24 17:13:00.0)
    Response from Buki at Thorlabs to Thank you for your interest in our imaging dichroic filters. Testing has shown no signs of degradation when exposed to at least 6 W of power from an unfiltered xenon arc lamp over a 25 mm diameter (corresponding to 1.2 W/cm2) for over 500 hours. Please contact TechSupport@thorlabs.com if you have any questions.
    user  (posted 2012-02-10 13:05:04.0)
    Can you please provide laser damage threshold ratings for the dichroic filters?
    jjurado  (posted 2011-03-22 16:05:00.0)
    Response from Javier at Thorlabs to flickingerd: Thank you for your feedback. Our filters follow that same convention as that of Semrock's. The arrow points to the recommended direction of light propagation. The reason for this is although the filter will function with either side facing the source, it is recommended to place the coated side toward the source. This will minimize any thermal effects or possible thermal damage that blocking intense out-of-band radiation might cause due to absorption by the substrate or colored glass filter layers.
    lmorgus  (posted 2011-03-21 18:23:00.0)
    A response from Laurie at Thorlabs to flickingerd: As a follow-up to the response you received earlier today from Javier in our technical support group, I wanted to also reach out to you to thank you for your feedback. We have updated our web presentation to provide information about what the arrow on these optic mounts indicates. As a further step, we have made a list of other web pages on our site that need some attention for similar reasons. In the coming days, we will be updating those pages to clarify our engravings so that our customers can efficiently find the information they need to use our products effectively. Again, thank you for taking the time to drop us a note with a suggestion for improvement.
    flickingerd  (posted 2011-03-21 14:29:07.0)
    I couldnt find info on proper filter orientation. There are arrows on the filters, but Ive seen different conventions on what these mean (Chroma says point arrow towards specimen for emission filters, yet Semrock convention is always point arrow in direction of light propagation, I think). How about your filters? This should be in "Tutorial" section, Id think. Please contact me with proper orientation rules. (Although Im still not sure exactly why this matters...I guess I can think of some minor reasons...)
    apalmentieri  (posted 2010-02-18 09:42:22.0)
    A response from Adam at Thorlabs to pludowise: I believe we should be able to offer this item as a custom option. I would like to contact you directly to get more information about your application, the quantity necessary, and the exact size of the optic.
    pludowise  (posted 2010-02-18 00:01:38.0)
    I am interested in finding a dichroic filter similar to MDF-TXRED, but shifted to loger wavelengths. Specifically, I need a dichroic for a Cy5 dye, which needs to transmit at 640 nm, and reflect at 690 nm. I also need this in a 1 mm thickness mounted at 45 deg AOI. Thank you.
    Back to Top

    Excitation Filters

    Item # Transmission
    Design Fluorophore Center Wavelength FWHM
    MF390-18 info Blue Fluorescent Protein (BFP) 390 nm 18 nm
    MF434-17 info Cyan Fluorescent Protein (CFP) 434 nm 17 nm
    MF445-45 info Wild Type GFP (WGFP) 445 nm 45 nm
    MF469-35 info Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) 469 nm 35 nm
    MF475-35 info Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) 475 nm 35 nm
    MF497-16 info Yellow Fluorescent Protein (YFP) 497 nm 16 nm
    MF542-20 info Tetramethylrhodamine Isothiocyanate (TRITC) 542 nm 20 nm
    MF559-34 info Texas Red® (TXRED) 559 nm 34 nm
    MF565-24 info Cy®3.5 (CY3.5) 565 nm 24 nm
    • Click on More Info Icon for a plot and downloadable data.

    These excitation fluorescence imaging filters are specifically designed to be used in microscopy and imaging applications. Each Ø25 mm filter is mounted in a 5 mm thick black anodized housing. The housing has an arrow engraved on it that points in the recommended light propagation direction.

    These filters provide excellent transmission of the desired excitation wavelength (>90%), with a sharp spectral cutoff and low transmission at other wavelengths (<0.001%). Click on the More Info Icon icons above to view product-specific transmission data. For additional fluorophore compatability, please see the Fluorophores tab.

    Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
    +1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
    MF390-18 Support Documentation
    MF390-18BFP Excitation Filter, CWL = 390 nm, BW = 18 nm
    MF434-17 Support Documentation
    MF434-17CFP Excitation Filter, CWL = 434 nm, BW = 17 nm
    MF445-45 Support Documentation
    MF445-45WGFP Excitation Filter, CWL = 445 nm, BW = 45 nm
    MF469-35 Support Documentation
    MF469-35GFP Excitation Filter, CWL = 469 nm, BW = 35 nm
    MF475-35 Support Documentation
    MF475-35FITC Excitation Filter, CWL = 475 nm, BW = 35 nm
    MF497-16 Support Documentation
    MF497-16YFP Excitation Filter, CWL = 497 nm, BW = 16 nm
    MF542-20 Support Documentation
    MF542-20TRITC Excitation Filter, CWL = 542 nm, BW = 20 nm
    MF559-34 Support Documentation
    MF559-34TXRED Excitation Filter, CWL = 559 nm, BW = 34 nm
    2 Weeks
    MF565-24 Support Documentation
    MF565-24CY3.5 Excitation Filter, CWL = 565 nm, BW = 24 nm
    Back to Top

    Emission Filters

    Item # Transmission
    Design Fluorophore Center Wavelength FWHM
    MF460-60 info Blue Fluorescent Protein (BFP) 460 nm 60 nm
    MF479-40 info Cyan Fluorescent Protein (CFP) 479 nm 40 nm
    MF510-42 info Wild Type GFP (WGFP) 510 nm 42 nm
    MF525-39 info Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) 525 nm 39 nm
    MF530-43 info Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) 530 nm 43 nm
    MF535-22 info Yellow Fluorescent Protein (YFP) 535 nm 22 nm
    MF620-52 info Tetramethylrhodamine Isothiocyanate/
    Cy®3.5 (TRITC/CY3.5)
    620 nm 52 nm
    MF630-69 info Texas Red® (TXRED) 630 nm 69 nm
    • Click on More Info Icon for a plot and downloadable data.

    These emission fluorescence imaging filters are specifically designed to be used in microscopy and imaging applications. Each Ø25 mm filter is mounted in a 3.5 mm thick black anodized housing. The housing has an arrow engraved on it that points in the recommended light propagation direction.

    These filters provide excellent transmission of the desired emission wavelength (>90%), with a sharp spectral cutoff and low transmission at other wavelengths (<0.001%). Click on the More Info Icon icons above to view product-specific transmission data. For additional fluorophore compatability, please see the Fluorophores tab.

    Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
    +1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
    MF460-60 Support Documentation
    MF460-60BFP Emission Filter, CWL = 460 nm, BW = 60 nm
    MF479-40 Support Documentation
    MF479-40CFP Emission Filter, CWL = 479 nm, BW = 40 nm
    MF510-42 Support Documentation
    MF510-42WGFP Emission Filter, CWL = 510 nm, BW = 42 nm
    MF525-39 Support Documentation
    MF525-39GFP Emission Filter CWL = 525 nm, BW = 39 nm
    MF530-43 Support Documentation
    MF530-43FITC Emission Filter, CWL = 530 nm, BW = 43 nm
    MF535-22 Support Documentation
    MF535-22YFP Emission Filter, CWL = 535 nm BW = 22 nm
    MF620-52 Support Documentation
    MF620-52TRITC/CY3.5 Emission Filter, CWL = 620 nm, BW = 52 nm
    MF630-69 Support Documentation
    MF630-69TXRED Emission Filter, CWL = 630 nm, BW = 69 nm
    Back to Top

    Dichroic Filters

    Item # Transmission
    Design Fluorophore Reflection
    MD416 info Blue Fluorescent Protein (BFP) 360 - 407 nm 425 - 575 nm
    MD453 info Cyan Fluorescent Protein (CFP) 423 - 445 nm 460 - 610 nm
    MD480 info Wild Type GFP (WGFP) 415 - 470 nm 490 - 720 nm
    MD498 info Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) 452 - 490 nm 505 - 800 nm
    MD499 info Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) 470 - 490 nm 508 - 675 nm
    MD515 info Yellow Fluorescent Protein (YFP) 490 - 510 nm 525 - 700 nm
    MD568 info Tetramethylrhodamine Isothiocyanate (TRITC) 525 - 556 nm 580 - 650 nm
    MD588 info Cy®3.5/Texas Red® (CY3.5/TXRED) 533 - 580 nm 595 - 800 nm
    • Click on More Info Icon for a plot and downloadable data.
    • Average reflection is >90% within this range.
    • Absolute transmission is >90% within this range.

    Thorlabs' Dichroic Filters are designed to separate light of different wavelengths. When light is incident on the filter at a 45° angle with respect to the normal, the excitation light and its associated back reflection are reflected while the longer wavelength fluorescence signal is transmitted. These filters are unmounted, but are marked by a dash to indicate the coated side of the filter, which light should be incident on. Each filter is 25.0 mm x 36.0 mm. If your application would benefit from a round, mounted dichroic filter, consider our round Dichroic Filters. Click on the More Info Icon icons above to view product-specific transmission data. For further fluorophore compatability, please see the Fluorophores tab.

    Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
    +1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
    MD416 Support Documentation
    MD416BFP Dichroic Filter, Refl. Band = 360 - 407 nm, Trans. Band = 425 - 575 nm
    MD453 Support Documentation
    MD453CFP Dichroic Filter, Refl. Band = 423 - 445 nm, Trans. Band = 460 - 610 nm
    MD480 Support Documentation
    MD480WGFP Dichroic Filter, Refl. Band = 415 - 470 nm, Trans. Band = 490 - 720 nm
    MD498 Support Documentation
    MD498GFP Dichroic Filter, Refl. Band = 452 - 490 nm, Trans. Band = 505 - 800 nm
    MD499 Support Documentation
    MD499FITC Dichroic Filter, Refl. Band = 470 - 490 nm, Trans. Band = 508 - 675 nm
    MD515 Support Documentation
    MD515YFP Dichroic Filter, Refl. Band = 490 - 510 nm, Trans. Band = 525 - 700 nm
    MD568 Support Documentation
    MD568TRITC Dichroic Filter, Refl. Band = 525 - 556 nm, Trans. Band = 580 - 650 nm
    MD588 Support Documentation
    MD588CY3.5/TXRED Dichroic Filter, Refl. Band = 533 - 580 nm, Trans. Band = 595 - 800 nm
    Back to Top

    Filter Sets

    Item # Transmission
    Design Fluorophore Excitation
    (Reflection / Transmission Band)
    MDF-BFP info Blue Fluorescent Protein (BFP) 390 ± 9 nm 460 ± 30 nm 360 - 407 nm / 425 - 475 nm
    MDF-CFP info Cyan Fluorescent Protein (CFP) 434 ± 8.5 nm 479 ± 20 nm 423 - 445 nm / 460 - 610 nm
    MDF-WGFP info Wild Type GFP (WGFP) 445 ± 22.5 nm 510 ± 21 nm 415 - 470 nm / 490 - 720 nm
    MDF-GFP info Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) 469 ± 17.5 nm 525 ± 19.5 nm 452 - 490 nm / 505 - 800 nm
    MDF-FITC info Fluorescein Isothiocyanate (FITC) 475 ± 17.5 nm 530 ± 21.5 nm 470 - 490 nm / 508 - 675 nm
    MDF-GFP2 info Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)/
    Alexa Fluor® 488
    482 ± 9 nm 520 ± 14 nm 350 - 488 nm / 502 - 950 nm
    MDF-YFP info Yellow Fluorescent Protein (YFP) 497 ± 8 nm 535 ± 11 nm 490 - 510 nm / 525 - 700 nm
    MDF-TOM info tdTomato 531 ± 20 nm 593 ± 20 nm 350 - 555 nm / 569 - 950 nm
    MDF-TRITC info Tetramethylrhodamine
    Isothiocyanate (TRITC)
    542 ± 10 nm 620 ± 26 nm 525 - 556 nm / 580 - 650 nm
    MDF-TXRED info Texas Red® (TXRED) 559 ± 17 nm 630 ± 34.5 nm 533 - 580 nm / 595 - 800 nm
    MDF-MCHC info mCherry 562 ± 20 nm 641 ± 37.5 nm 350 - 585 nm / 601 - 950 nm
    MDF-CY3.5 info Cy®3.5 565 ± 12 nm 620 ± 26 nm 533 - 580 nm / 595 - 800 nm
    MDF-MCHA info mCherry 578 ± 10.5 nm 641 ± 37.5 nm 350 - 588 nm / 603 - 950 nm
    MDF-CY5 info Cy5 619 ± 30 nm 700 ± 35.5 nm 500 - 648 nm / 666 - 890 nm
    MDF-CY55 info Cy5.5 650 ± 22 nm 720 ± 30 nm 520 - 674 nm / 692 - 1000 nm
    MDF-CY7 info Cy7 709 ± 38 nm 813 ± 48 nm 570 - 746 nm / 766 - 1100 nm
    MDF-NIR info LI-COR IRDye® 800CW 741 ± 20.5 nm 780 nm (Cut-On) 580 - 760 nm / 780 - 1100 nm
    • Click on More Info Icon for a plot and downloadable data.

    Since standard fluorescence imaging applications generally incorporate three different filters (i.e., one excitation, one emission, and one dichroic filter) to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio, Thorlabs offers these filters as a set at a savings over purchasing each compenent separately. Some excitation, emission, and dichroic filters are only available as a matched set and are not available for purchase individually. 

    Please note some excitation and emission filter housings have an arrow engraved on them that points in the recommended direction of light propagation. Dichroic filters have an engraving on or a caret pointing to the side with the primary reflective coating. Light should be incident on this designated side of the optic for optimal performance. For further fluorophore compatability, please see the Fluorophores tab.

    Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
    +1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
    MDF-BFP Support Documentation
    MDF-BFPBFP Excitation, Emission, and Dichroic Filters (Set of 3)
    MDF-CFP Support Documentation
    MDF-CFPCFP Excitation, Emission, and Dichroic Filters (Set of 3)
    MDF-WGFP Support Documentation
    MDF-WGFPWGFP Excitation, Emission, and Dichroic Filters (Set of 3)
    MDF-GFP Support Documentation
    MDF-GFPGFP Excitation, Emission, and Dichroic Filters (Set of 3)
    MDF-FITC Support Documentation
    MDF-FITCFITC Excitation, Emission, and Dichroic Filters (Set of 3)
    MDF-GFP2 Support Documentation
    MDF-GFP2GFP/Alexa Fluor 488 Excitation, Emission, and Dichroic Filters (Set of 3)
    MDF-YFP Support Documentation
    MDF-YFPYFP Excitation, Emission, and Dichroic Filters (Set of 3)
    MDF-TOM Support Documentation
    MDF-TOMtdTomato Excitation, Emission, and Dichroic Filters (Set of 3)
    MDF-TRITC Support Documentation
    MDF-TRITCTRITC Excitation, Emission, and Dichroic Filters (Set of 3)
    MDF-TXRED Support Documentation
    MDF-TXREDTexas Red Excitation, Emission, and Dichroic Filters (Set of 3)
    MDF-MCHC Support Documentation
    MDF-MCHCmCherry Excitation (562 nm), Emission, and Dichroic Filters (Set of 3)
    MDF-CY3.5 Support Documentation
    MDF-CY3.5Cy3.5 Excitation (565 nm), Emission, and Dichroic Filters (Set of 3)
    MDF-MCHA Support Documentation
    MDF-MCHAmCherry Excitation (578 nm), Emission, and Dichroic Filters (Set of 3)
    MDF-CY5 Support Documentation
    MDF-CY5NEW!Cy5 Excitation (619 nm), Emission, and Dichroic Filters (Set of 3)
    MDF-CY55 Support Documentation
    MDF-CY55NEW!Cy5.5 Excitation (650 nm), Emission, and Dichroic Filters (Set of 3)
    MDF-CY7 Support Documentation
    MDF-CY7NEW!Cy7 Excitation (709 nm), Emission, and Dichroic Filters (Set of 3)
    MDF-NIR Support Documentation
    MDF-NIRNEW!IRDye 800CW Excitation (741 nm), Emission, and Dichroic Filters (Set of 3)