Polycrystalline CVD Diamond Windows

  • Diamonds Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition
  • Broad Transmission Spectrum from 220 nm to >50 µm
  • Available with 5.0 mm or 10.0 mm Diameters


Ø5.0 mm, 0.5 mm Thick
Polycrystalline CVD Window


Ø10.0 mm, 0.5 mm Thick
Polycrystalline CVD Window 

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Absorption Plot
Flat Window Selection Guide
Wavelength Range Substrate Material
180 nm - 8.0 μm Calcium Fluoride (CaF2)
185 nm - 2.1 μm UV Fused Silica
200 nm - 5.0 μm Sapphire
200 nm - 6.0 μm Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2)
220 nm to >50 µm CVD Diamond Windows
230 nm - 1.1 µm UV Fused Silica,
Textured Antireflective Surface
250 nm - 1.6 µm UV Fused Silica, for 45° AOI
250 nm - 26 µm Potassium Bromide (KBr)
300 nm - 3 µm Infrasil®
350 nm - 2.0 μm N-BK7
600 nm - 16 µm Zinc Selenide (ZnSe)
1 - 1.7 µm Infrasil®,
Textured Antireflective Surface
1.2 - 8.0 μm Silicon (Si)
1.9 - 16 μm Germanium (Ge)
2 - 5 μm Barium Fluoride (BaF2)
V-Coated Laser Windows
Optic Cleaning Tutorial


  • 5.0 mm or 10.0 mm Diameter
  • 0.5 mm Thickness
  • Polycrystalline Diamonds Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
  • Broad Transmission Spectrum from 220 nm to >50 µm
  • High Thermal Conductivity
    • >2200 Wm-1K-1 at 300 K
    • >1600 Wm-1K-1 at 425 K

These Polycrystalline CVD Diamond Windows are ideal for applications in demanding optical systems. Diamond boasts a broad transmission spectrum (220 nm to >50 µm), as well as a high level of thermal conductivity (>2200 Wm-1K-1 at 300 K, and >1600 Wm-1K-1 at 425 K). The low absorption of these diamond windows allows high power laser light to be transmitted without causing damage to the window itself. Diamond may also be suited for medical applications due to its biocompatibility, and its broad transmission spectrum increases efficiency when used within spectroscopy setups.

For high-vacuum applications, Thorlabs offers our Ø10 mm CVD diamond window integrated into a Ø2.75" (DN40) CF Flange; see the full web presentation for details.

Thorlabs also offers precision windows fabricated from other substrates for use in a large variety of laser and industrial applications. For our complete selection, see the Flat Window Selection Guide table to the right. We also offer laser windows, which have AR coatings centered around commonly used laser wavelengths, and Brewster windows, which are designed to eliminate p-polarized reflected light.

Item # WGM0505 WGM1005
Diameter 5.0 mm 10.0 mm
Diameter Tolerance ±0.1 mm
Thickness 0.5 mm
Thickness Tolerance ±0.05 mm
Flatness Three Fringes at 632.8 nm Five Fringes at 632.8 nm
Laser Kerf ≤3° ± 2°
Egde Features <0.2 mm
Parallelism <0.4 µm/mm
Roughness (over 1 mm2) <15 nm
Refractive Index 2.376 (at 10.6 µm), 2.386 (at 1550 nm), 2.392 (at 1064 nm)
Young's Modulus 1050 GPa
Fracture Stress 400 MPa
Hardness 81 ± 18 GPa
Thermal Expansion Coefficient 1.0 ppmK-1 (at 300 K), 4.4 ppmK-1 (at 1000 K)
Thermal Conductivity >2200 Wm-1K-1 (at 300 K), >1600 Wm-1K-1 (at 425 K)
Substrate CVD Diamond
Absorption Coefficient <0.07 cm-1 (10.6 µm), 0.12 cm-1 (at 1064 nm)
Element Six Logo

Posted Comments:
Marzuqa Ahmed  (posted 2024-02-01 12:24:57.717)
Hello, I would like to know the transmission data for this window as well as the wavelength range. Please let me know. Best, Marzuqa
cdolbashian  (posted 2024-02-02 09:32:16.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this inquiry. This type of diamond has nominally a broadband transmission up to 100um and beyond, though we only really advertise it for up to 25um. Within this range the absorption of the material is relatively low (as you can see in the absorption coefficient graph) and most of the reduction in transmission comes from Fresnel reflections at each air-glass interface. Typical transmission for the low absorption coefficient regions (excluding the 2.5-7.5um region where large absorption occurs) will be approximately 70%. I have contacted you directly to discuss your particular wavelengths of interest.
Gary Cook  (posted 2023-08-30 15:38:18.957)
the absorption spectrum you show for your diamond windows appears to be incorrect: https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=15962&pn=WGM1005 The absorption features you show should occur between 2 microns and 5 microns, and not between 10 microns and 15 microns as you show. Can you double check your data?
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-09-11 11:58:10.0)
Thank you for reaching out to us with this observation. Looking into various sources on the web, I tend to agree with you here. We will be reviewing this internally, and likely will be updating these graphs.
user  (posted 2023-08-30 11:41:49.903)
Are you sure the absorption listed is correct? Diamond should not be absorbing at 10um.
cdolbashian  (posted 2023-09-11 11:58:12.0)
Thank you for voicing this concern. Upon further review, we tend to agree with you on this point. We will be updating this in the near future.
Window Selection Guide (Table Sorted by Wavelength)
Substrate and Window Type Wavelength Range Available AR Coatings Reflectance over AR Coating Rangea Transmission Data Reflectance Data
Calcium Fluoride (CaF2):
Flat or Wedged
180 nm - 8.0 μm Uncoated -
Raw Data
-D Coating, 1.65 - 3.0 µm Ravg < 1.0%; Rabs < 2.0% at 0° AOI
Raw Data

Raw Data
UV Fused Silica:
Flat, Wedged, V-Coated Flat,
or V-Coated Wedged
185 nm - 2.1 μm Uncoated
(Flat or Wedged)
Raw Data
-UV Coating,
245 - 400 nm
(Flat or Wedged)
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI -
Raw Data
-C3 Coating,
261 - 266 nm
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI - Click to View Index Plot
Raw Data
-C6 Coating,
350 - 450 nm
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI - Click to View Index Plot
Raw Data
-A Coating,
350 - 700 nm
(Flat or Wedged)
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI -
Raw Data
-B Coating,
650 - 1050 nm
(Flat or Wedged)
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI -
Raw Data
-C Coating,
1050 - 1700 nm
(Flat or Wedged)
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI -
Raw Data
Flat or Wedged
200 nm - 5.0 μm Uncoated -
Raw Data
-D Coating, 1.65 - 3.0 µm Ravg < 1.0% at 0° AOI
Raw Data

Raw Data
-E1 Coating, 2.0 - 5.0 µm Ravg < 1.50%, Rabs < 3.0%
(per Surface, 2.0 - 5.0 µm);
Ravg < 1.75%
(per Surface, 2.0 - 4.0 µm) at 0° AOI

Raw Data

Raw Data
Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2):
Flat or Wedged
200 nm - 6.0 μm Uncoated -
Raw Data
Barium Fluoride (BaF2):
Flat or Wedged
200 nm - 11 µm Uncoated
(Wedged Only)
Raw Data
-E1 Coating, 2 - 5 µm Ravg < 1.25%; Rabs < 2.5% at 0° AOI
Raw Data
Raw Data
UV Fused Silica, for 45° AOI:
Flat or Wedged
250 nm - 1.6 µm Coating for
250 nm - 450 nm
Ravg < 1.0% at 45° AOI info
Raw Data
Coating for
350 nm - 1100 nm
Ravg < 2.0% at 45° AOI info
Raw Data
Coating for
400 nm - 700 nm
Ravg < 1.0% at 45° AOI info
Raw Data
Coating for
600 nm - 1700 nm
Ravg < 1.5% at 45° AOI info
Raw Data
Coating for
700 nm - 1100 nm
Ravg < 1.0% at 45° AOI info
Raw Data
Coating for
1200 nm - 1600 nm
Ravg < 1.0% at 45° AOI info
Raw Data
Potassium Bromide (KBr):
250 nm - 26 µm Uncoated - -
300 nm - 3 µm Uncoated -
Raw Data
Flat, Wedged, V-Coated Flat,
or V-Coated Wedged
350 nm - 2.0 μm Uncoated
(Flat or Wedged)
Raw Data
-A Coating,
350 - 700 nm
(Flat or Wedged)
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI -
Raw Data
-C7 Coating,
400 - 700 nm
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI - Click to View Index Plot
Raw Data
-C10 Coating,
523 - 532 nm
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI - Click to View Index Plot
Raw Data
-C11 Coating,
610 - 860 nm
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI - Click to View Index Plot
Raw Data
-B Coating,
650 - 1050 nm
(Flat or Wedged)
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI -
Raw Data
-C13 Coating,
700 - 1100 nm
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI - Click to View Index Plot
Raw Data
C14 Coating,
1047 - 1064 nm
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI - Click to View Index Plot
Raw Data
-C15 Coating,
523 - 532 nm &
1047 - 1064 nm
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI - Click to View Index Plot
Raw Data
-C Coating,
1050 - 1700 nm
(Flat or Wedged)
Ravg < 0.5% at 0° AOI -
Raw Data
Zinc Selenide (ZnSe):
Flat or Wedged
600 nm - 16 µm Uncoated -
Raw Data
-D Coating, 1.65 - 3.0 µm Ravg < 1.0%; Rabs < 2.0% at 0° AOI
Raw Data

Raw Data
-E4 Coating, 2 - 13 µm
(Only Flat)
Ravg < 3.5%; Rabs < 6% at 0° AOI
Raw Data

Raw Data
-E2 Coating, 4.5 - 7.5 µm
(Only Flat)
Ravg < 1.0%; Rabs < 2.0% at 0° AOI
Raw Data

Raw Data
-E3 Coating, 7 - 12 µm
(Only Wedged)
Ravg < 1.0%; Rabs < 2.0% at 0° AOI
Raw Data
Raw Data
-G Coating, 7 - 12 µm
(Only Flat)
Ravg < 1% at 0° AOI
Raw Data

Raw Data
Silicon (Si):
Flat or Wedged
1.2 - 8.0 μm Uncoated -
Raw Data
-E1 Coating, 2 - 5 µm Ravg < 1.25%; Rabs < 2.5% at 0° AOI
Raw Data
Raw Data
Germanium (Ge):
Flat or Wedged
1.9 - 16 μm Uncoated, 2.0 - 16 μm -
Raw Data
-C9 Coating, 1.9 - 6 µm
(Only Flat)
Ravg < 2% at 0° AOI
Raw Data

Raw Data
-E3 Coating, 7 - 12 µm Ravg < 1.0%; Rabs < 2.0% at 0° AOI
Raw Data
Raw Data
  • Reflectance is given per surface and each window is coated on both sides.
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WGM0505 Support Documentation
WGM0505Ø5.0 mm Polycrystalline CVD Diamond Window, 0.5 mm Thick, Uncoated
WGM1005 Support Documentation
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